Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Hello Everyone:

I anticipate a number of visits to the website over the next few days, and so will take this opportunity to make a few thoughts known.

Herbicide.  I hear a lot of argument from both sides and very little genuine debate, which I find tiresome and not constructive.  I have a studied opinion on this topic which has changed back and forth over the years.

Wild Parsnip.  I believe this weed has to be controlled (I don’t believe it’s possible to eliminate it completely), but I also think there may be means which have more long term local economic benefits than spraying.  Other jurisdictions have done this successfully from what I have heard. 

City communications regarding the parsnip control program.  Some say the cities messaging is ambiguous, others say it is clear.  I think this alone illustrates it is not a clear message.

The wild parsnip eradication program is a hot button minefield.

It touches upon the herbicide vs. anti herbicide debate, the wild parsnip eradication vs. promoting wildlife debates, organic vs. conventional farming, freedom to work ones own property vs. responsibility for the property rights of ones neighbors. 

With so much potential for controversy, I think the city should be absolutely clear with its messaging. 

 I applaud the city for trying to save a small amount of money by reusing an old flyer for a program that has evolved, but in this instance, I believe greater care is required.

I hope the city has learned from this and we can move on.

The best thing we can all do for now is pray for a bit more rain.

Bob Whitmore

I'll be taking this note down in the next couple of days.  It is not what i want to focus on.